by Lynn Givens | Apr 23, 2020 | Reading Science
** A guest post by Lynn Givens ** Reading is an astonishingly complex cognitive process. While we often think of reading as one singular act, our brains are actually engaging in a number of tasks simultaneously when we read. There are five components in the process...
by Dr. Garforth | Mar 30, 2020 | Morpheme Mondays
Throwback to our first #MorphemeMonday! blog post… You may be wondering what exactly #MorphemeMonday is: it is simply a day to bring awareness about the importance of morpheme instruction to parents and educators out there. Technically speaking, morphemes are...
by Dr. Garforth | Aug 16, 2019 | Reading Science
** A guest post by Debbie Hepplewite** The need to distinguish between consonant letters and vowel letters through teaching about ‘the alphabet’ compared to consonant sounds and vowel sounds through teaching about the ‘alphabetic code’ Teachers need to teach...
by Dr. Garforth | Jul 22, 2019 | Morpheme Mondays
Happy #MorphemeMonday everyone! Thanks for joining the quest in expanding our students’ decoding skills beyond the basics of sound-symbol relationships to the higher level of morphological awareness. Just as a reminder, morphemes are the smallest unit of meaning...