Garforth Education’s Educator Group
Garforth Education’s Exceptional Parent Group
Garforth Education’s Parent Group
Garforth Education’s Exceptional Parent Group is a tribe for parents of children with exceptionalities or special needs. Having a child with unique needs can seem very isolating experience.
This group is filled with parents who are going through similar challenges.
Post focus on way to help support and advocate for your child’s education. It is a safe place to ask questions, for advice, and learn from each other
About the Business
Garforth Education welcomes clients of all ages and with different academic needs including learning disorders, ADHD, Autism Spectrum, and low incidence special needs.
At Garforth Education, we believe that everybody has a unique learning profile with different strengths and challenges. When considering this profile to design a personalized education plan, it is possible to find a pathway to success at any age.
Garforth Education
Located in Richmond BC
Servicing British Columbia, Canada, & beyond!