Do You Use Academic Research Articles?
This is where educators can learn how to become proficient at reading and understanding the jargon within Academic Research!

You will learn…
* Identify the correct ARTICLE TYPE you need
* Tips to efficiently SEARCH for these research articles online
* Easily identify the different TYPES of research
* Understand the different SECTIONS of an experimental research article
* Learn about the types of STATISTICS you will see
* Recognize how to INTERPRET effect sizes
* How to USE research to properly inform your practice
Maximize Experimental Research Explained provides the skills you need to methodically go through the research and make educated decisions about which information to use to inform your practice.

This course will provide you with a step-by-step guide for reading experimental research. It demystifies how to go through an entire journal article so that you have a true understanding of the information the authors are discussing in their paper. Most importantly, it takes you through the various types of statistics used in the Results section so that you can see if you agree with the findings presented in the discussion. It is a must for anyone wanting to understand how to be a critical consumer of research.
~ Kathryn Garforth, PhD, Founder of Garforth Education & The Right to Read Initiative
Experimental Research Explained is a credentialed course through Credentials Unlimited.
When you complete this course and the final assessment you will receive 5 micro-credentials. These micro-credentials demonstrate your dedication and desire for improving your practice and knowledge through personalized learning.

I am a teacher and I have spent much of the past 5 years writing about education research. I think teachers often find research in their own field intimidating to read and I often get asked questions about how to interpret education research. Reading research was not part of my teacher training and I had learn about it after graduating. Last year, on request, I did a 2 hour webinar on the topic. However, it was really hard to cover such a complex topic, in such a short time. I wanted to create something that was more systematic, and in-depth.
Research explained provides teachers with a scaffolded, explicit, and comprehensive guide to understanding experimental education research.
~ Nate Hansford, B Ed, Co-Founder of Pedagogy Non Grata & Researcher
What’s Inside The Course “Experimental Research Explained”

Introduction To Research
- Why Do We Need Research
- Introduction To The Different
Types Of Research - Types Of Publications
- Features to Look For In An Article
- Searching For Research

Parts Of A Study
- Article Skeleton
- Introduction
- Design & Methodology
- Results & Discussion
- Limitations

Types Of Studies
- Observational Studies
- Case Studies
- Quasi-Experimental/RCT
- Meta-Analysis & Secondary
Meta-Analysis - ESSA vs Hattie

Types Of Statistics
- Mean, Median, Mode & Mean Difference
- Standard Deviation & Bell Curve
- All About Effect Sizes

Interpreting Effect Size
- Things That Inflate Effect Size
- Things That Deflate Effect Size
- Things That Make Effect Size Less Accurate
- Context Really Really,
Really Matters

Taking Research To Practice
- Why Do We Need To Look At Research
- Types Of Studies & How They Should Inform Practice
- Using Meta-Analysis & Secondary Meta-Analysis
- Walking Through The Research
- Difference Between Research
& Real Life
Are You…
A Teacher? An Educator? A Grad Student?
Or Just Someone Who Wants To Learn More?
What To Expect...
*12 hour self-directed course with 40 lessons
*Video lessons are typically between 10-20 minutes
*Quizzes at the end of each module
*Final Case Study to put your learning into action
*A focus on understanding the results (not calculating them so you don’t have to worry about the math)
*Learning what research to use to find the information you need
A Closer Look at Micro-Credentials
Micro- credentials are an alternative to advanced degrees and provide us with a way to take professional development of our choice that can be compiled into stackable blocks of knowledge in a particular topic. Micro-credentials demonstrate your continuing professional development, dedication and desire for improving your practice and knowledge through personalized learning.
Experimental Research Explained is approved by Credentials Unlimited to meet the following AERA Standards for Reporting on Empirical Social Science Research: