Do you want to improve your Handwriting Instruction & Interventions?

This is where you will learn about the skills children need before they can become legible and proficient writers and how to support their development.

You will learn…



*MUSCLES & MOVEMENTS involved in writing






Handwriting Development Explained provides you with the knowledge about the muscles required for penmanship, the activities you will need to support their development as well as a scope and sequence to follow when teaching print and cursive writing.

Kathryn Garforth
This course will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the mechanics involved  in handwriting. It will aid in the understanding of why many of today’s children struggle with letter formation and provide suggestions for how to support their muscle development. In addition, it outlines how to set students up for success when teaching them how to write using either print and or cursive lettering.

~ Kathryn Garforth, PhD, Founder of Garforth Education & The Right to Read Initiative

Handwriting Development Explained is in the process of becoming a credentialed course through Credentials Unlimited.

Once we have more information about the number of micro credentials available for this course we will make it available.

I am an Occupational Therapist who has worked side by side with teachers for most of my 30 years of practice. When I consult with teachers about individual pupils or have provided in-service training to staff at pre- and primary schools, the feedback is always super-positive and everyone is excited to begin using the information to help their students. Teachers report, upon hearing this Occupational Therapist’s prospective,  that they now understand how to help their students.  The same teachers later report that the information was great but it is challenging to incorporate it into their day to day teaching of handwriting. They wish that they had more time to synthesize the information or were able to hear the in-service presentation again so they could review the talk.

Handwriting Explained provides teachers, parents and occupational therapists with a progressive comprehensive approach to handwriting framed by a developmental perspective along with explicit strategies for student success.

~ Keith Landherr, M.A., O.T., is the founder of Little Buddies Pediatric Therapy.

What’s Inside The Course “Handwriting Development Explained”

Mod 1
Writing Systems
  1. History of Written Language
  2. Types of Writing Systems
  3. Alphabetic Writing Systems
  4. Roman Alphabet
  5. Different Lettering & Fonts
Mod 2
Mechanics Of Handwriting
  1. Developmental Perspective
  2. The Muscles Involved
  3. Gross Motor Skills
  4. Precise Reaching
  5. Fine Motor Skills
  6. Grip Development
  7. Writing Posture
Mod 3
Pre-Writing Stage
  1. Developmental Progression
  2. Writing Tools & Their Purpose
  3. From Scribbles to Beyond
  4. Unstructured Activities
  5. Setting Up for Success
  6. Basic Shapes
Mod 4
  1. Pre-requisite Skills
  2. Muscles Involved
  3. Setting up for Success
  4. Basic Shapes
  5. Scope & Sequence



Mod 5
  1. Pre-requisite Skills
  2. Muscles Involved
  3. Setting Up for Success
  4. Basic Shapes
  5. Scope & Sequence



Mod 6
Bringing It All Together
  1. Ages & Stages
  2. Difficulties & Delays
  3. Tools for the Job
  4. Handedness
  5. Assistive Technology
  6. Typing
  7. Today’s Classroom
  8. Writing Programs

Are You…


(take your pick: Teacher & Educator; New Occupational Therapist; Occupational Therapist Assistant; Behaviour Consultant & Interventionist; Pediatrician, Family Doctor, or Parent)

Or Just Someone Who Wants To Learn More?

What To Expect...

14 hour self-direct course with 50 lessons

*Lessons are typically between 15 – 30 minutes

*Note taking guides for each lesson and end of module checklists

*Case studies of students at different ages and stages of writing development

*Activities and materials to use with individuals at various levels

*Final assessment of learning to earn the micro-credentials

A Closer Look at Micro-Credentials

Micro-credentials are an alternative to advanced degrees and provide us with a way to take professional development of our choice that can be compiled into stackable blocks of knowledge in a particular topic. Micro-credentials demonstrate your continuing professional development, dedication and desire for improving your practice and knowledge through personalized learning.

Handwriting Development Explained is in the process of becoming a credentialed course through Credentials Unlimited.


Once we have more information about the number of micro credentials available for this course we will make it available.