Are you looking to better understand Reading Development?
This is where educators can learn about the consensus from multiple millions of dollars spent around the world on reading research from experts in many fields.
While our understanding of reading development is ever evolving, there are elements that have stood the test of time.

You will learn…
*READING FRAMEWORS and how they can be used to inform reading instruction
*How UNIVERSAL SCREENING and DIFFERENTIATED READING INSTRUCTION can bring improved literacy outcomes for students
*The 5 (+1*) PILLARS of READING INSTRUCTION (Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Morphology*, Fluency and Comprehension)
*How to include ELEMENTS OF READING INSTRUCTION across the curriculum
Reading Development Explained provides you with the information about the research and theories behind effective reading instruction. Plus providing you with the resources you’ll need to take this learning into practice.

This course will teach you about best practices for reading instruction and interventions. Understanding the theory and research behind evidence-based practices is the first step in helping your students become better readers. Using these instructional strategies isn’t as hard as you think! Especially when you get access to over 200 pages of materials and activities in the course.
~ Kathryn Garforth, PhD, Founder of Garforth Education & The Right to Read Initiative
Reading Development Explained is a course with Micro Credentials through Credentials Unlimited.
When you complete this course and the final assessment you will receive 4 micro-credentials. These micro-credentials demonstrate your dedication and desire for improving your practice and knowledge through personalized learning.

I am a teacher of 12 years, with a specialist in Special Education and in Reading. Seven years ago, I co-founded Pedagogy Non Grata to help educators bridge the gap between research and practice. We reviewed meta-analyses in education to identify the most effective strategies. Since then, I have written hundreds of articles, recorded over 150 podcast episodes, and authored three books, all focused on interpreting meta-analysis research in education.
In this course, I reviewed meta-analyses on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, morphology, and comprehension. I summarized this research to provide teachers with a clear overview of the most effective literacy pedagogies and how to implement them successfully.
~ Nate Hansford, B Ed., Teacher, Author, Pedagogy Non Grata
What’s Inside The Course “Reading Development Explained”

Introduction To Research
- History Of Reading
- Simple View Of Reading
- Scarborough’s Reading Rope
- Differentiated Instruction
- Reading Instruction

Word Reading
- Reading and the Brain
- Word Reading Development
- Four Ways to Read a Word
- Orthographic Mapping and Decoding

Phonological Awareness
- What is it & Why is it important
- Phonological Awareness & the Research
- A Closer Look at Phonological Awareness
- Phonological Sensitivity
- Phonemic Awareness
- Phonological Awareness & Differentiation

- What is it & Why is it important
- Phonics & the Research
- Phonics Progression
- Phonics Basics
- Phonics
- Phonics & Differentiation

- Vocabulary Development
- Vocabulary & the Research
- Three Types of Vocabulary
- Morphology Instruction
- Morphology & the Research
- Vocabulary & Differentiation

- Fluency & Orthographic Mapping
- Fluency & the Research
- Defining Reading Fluency
- Fluency Instruction
- Fluency & Differentiation

Reading Comprehension
- Reading Comprehension
- Reading Comprehension & the Research
- Surface Comprehension
- Deep Comprehension
- Reading Comprehension & Differentiation

Bringing It Together
- Reading Instruction as a Whole
- Screening
- Intervention
- Reading Instruction Across Subjects
- Revisiting Reading Frameworks
Are You…
An Educator? An Interventionist? A Specialist?
Or Just Someone Who Wants To Learn More?
What To Expect...
* 16 hour self directed course with 59 lessons
* Lessons are typically between 10 – 30 minutes
* Note taking guides provided for each lesson and checklists for each module
* Review of recent meta-analysis conducted by Nate Hansford from Pedagogy Non Grata
* Resources, activities and materials to use with your students
* Guidance on how to differentiate instruction within a classroom and create interventions
* Information about popular reading frameworks
* Suggestions on how to take reading instruction outside of the English Language Arts curriculum
* Discussion on how to conduct classwide screening and how to use the data to inform instruction
* Final assessment of learning to earn the micro-credentials
“Garforth’s Reading Development Explained is a comprehensive short course designed to inform educators on how the brain learns to read through the 5 pillars of reading to develop stronger readers.
This course will fill in the gaps of what you didn’t learn in college and launch you to a new level of instruction for your students.” ~ Lori Serverino & Donna Hejtmanek Credentials Unlimited
A Closer Look at Micro-Credentials
Micro- credentials are an alternative to advanced degrees and provide us with a way to take professional development of our choice that can be compiled into stackable blocks of knowledge in a particular topic. Micro-credentials demonstrate your continuing professional development, dedication and desire for improving your practice and knowledge through personalized learning.
Reading Development Explained is approved by Credentials Unlimited to meet the following AERA Standards for Reporting on Empirical Social Science Research: