What is Phonological Awareness?

What is Phonological Awareness?

It’s official, #phonologicalfriday is now a thing! #phonologicalfriday is a day every week to help bring evidence-based best practices for reading instruction related to Phonological Awareness to anyone who wants to learn more about it. This post will discuss what it...
Onset Awareness Activity

Onset Awareness Activity

Happy #phonologicalfriday everyone! Happy Valentine’s Day too!   This week we are going to continue with ideas for promoting phonological awareness with your students. Before discussing the lesson, we first should review a few concepts to make sure we are all on...


Happy #phonologicalfriday everyone! This week we are focusing on the smallest units of speech, the phoneme. I hope those of you who have recently returned to school in the last few weeks are enjoying a good start to the new school year. Phonemes Simply put, a phoneme...