Happy #morphememonday everyone! 

This is one of my favourite weeks of the year because this week is Halloween.  In my neighbourhood, there is a scarecrow competition and lots of spooky houses.  This week, I have created a Halloween Themed Phobia Crossword puzzle for my students.


Origin: Greek

Meaning: Over a distance

Examples: telethon, telecommute, telemeter, televise, telecast

<tele> + <photo> = telephoto

<tele> + <graph> + <ic> = telegraphic

<tele> + <path> + <y> = telepathy

<tele> + <ology> = teleology

<tele> + <port> = teleport

<tele> + <scope> = telescope

  • Technically speaking, <tele> is considered a Greek combining form but it is often taught as a prefix
  • When <tele> is attached to a root starting with a vowel, it may take the form of <tel> 

<tele> is a fairly common combining form that can be taught in context in science classes when introducing the telescope. If it is not taught in context, it should be explicitly taught during the upper elementary/middle school years


Origin: Latin

Meaning: year

Examples: annals, annuity, decennium, millenium, bicentennial

<super> + <annu> + <ate> = superannuate

<bi> + <annu> + <al> = biannual

<per> + <enni> + <ate> = perennate

<inter> + <annu> + <al> = interannual

<annu> +<ity> + <s> = annuities

  • This root can be represented by the following alternative spellings: anni, annu or enni
  • It is advantageous for students to understand this root because it appears frequently in words associated with celebrations and time periods.
  • This root is best taught in context but should be explicitly taught to students in high school, if they have not learned it before

Origin: Greek and Latin

Meaning: result of action, product of, persons acting

Examples: cascade, marinade, charade, cascade, renegade

<lime> + <ade> = limeade

<park> + <ade> = parkade

<escape> + <ade> = escapade

<block> + <ade> = blockade

<pom> + <ade> = pomade

  • Words containing this suffix are nouns
  • While this suffix is not excedingly common, it is worth teaching to students who have a good repertoire of suffixes.

Last week, October 21, 2019, the morphemes were the prefix <in>, the root <miss> and the suffix <ity>.

Next week, November 4, 2019, the morphemes will be the prefix <geo>, the root <serv> and the suffix <en>.

Be sure to check out more graphics for these morphemes on our Facebook, InstagramPinterest, and Twitter pages.

If there is anything we can do or post to help you learn more about the importance of morphological awareness (or any other topic for that matter) please send an email to blog@garfortheducation.com

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