by Dr. Garforth | Mar 30, 2020 | Morpheme Mondays
Throwback to our first #MorphemeMonday! blog post… You may be wondering what exactly #MorphemeMonday is: it is simply a day to bring awareness about the importance of morpheme instruction to parents and educators out there. Technically speaking, morphemes are...
by Dr. Garforth | Dec 16, 2019 | Morpheme Mondays
Happy #morphememonday everyone! I hope everyone is getting ready to take a much deserved December break. This will be the last #morphememonday for 2019! Today’s morphemes are all of Latin origin. Origin: Latin Definition: between Examples: interdigital,...
by Dr. Garforth | Sep 23, 2019 | Morpheme Mondays
Happy #morphememonday everyone! I hope you are enjoying the journey to learn more about morphology by learning more about the different prefixes, roots, and suffixes found in the English language. Teaching etymology and morphology to all students from a young age...
by Dr. Garforth | Sep 16, 2019 | Morpheme Mondays
Happy #morphememonday Everyone! I hope everyone is settling nicely back into a routine now that school has started again. While I enjoy the break from routine in the summer, I find I am more productive when things have a bit more of a schedule. Origin: Old English...
by Dr. Garforth | Sep 2, 2019 | Morpheme Mondays
Happy September Everyone! For those of you in Canada or the United States, Happy Labour Day too! Where I live, September means it is time to head back to school and get ready for the fall. This year, I hope more teachers take the time to learn about what...